Thursday, December 1, 2011

Figure... or Bikini?????

When I got my posing suit fitted the designer had so many questions for me about my training/diet. I felt clueless and pretty dumb because I didn't know how to answer half of her questions. She's a veteran competitor and her questions showed me just how much work I needed to do. She asked who my trainer or coach was and was shocked to hear that I had no one directing me. She suggested a trainer she personally liked working with and today I checked him out.

First of all, I was not too happy with the drive. The Gold's I normally workout at is a little more than 5 minutes away from my home. The Gold's that this trainer works at is located almost 30 minutes away. Aside from the distance, I was impressed with the guy. He has experience training other competitors and he also has experience in competing. When I told him I wanted to condition for a figure competition he immediately asked if I ever considered bikini. He said that my body size and my "look" screams bikini potential more than figure. I was a little upset hearing that but he reassured me that he only feels I'd excel in bikini versus just place in figure.
My heart leans towards figure. However, I am open to competing in both bikini and figure for my first competition for the sake of experience and more time to get comfortable with being on stage. My trainer said that I don't have to make my decision right now, because a few weeks from now when my body is more conditioned I will be more sure about which division I would do best in. Ultimately, I want to WIN (and have fun of course :D ).

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