Friday, December 23, 2011

Testing out Wordpress

Will be testing out Wordpress... testing out the format and whatnot. Keep up with me at the new location :) THANKS

Saturday, December 17, 2011


As much as the diet part of training is difficult, I have no problems with it when I'm home. However, I'm finding it such a challenge to stick to it if I'm away from home for hours and especially if I go out of town for a few days.

This weekend I'm out of town visiting with my husband's friends and family. I'm experiencing how much life revolves around food. Obviously food is essential because it is sustenance, however the issue are the choices and options available, as well as the factor of convenience. I understand its all about planning/packing meals but its so difficult when your constantly on-the-go and you don't have all the time in the world to prepare. And then there's the issue of going out to eat with people and looking like a party-pooper always having to count calories and request a special order instead of join in on the festivities and the joy of ordering whatever is delicious on the menu.

Last night we went to my husbands best friend's birthday party. Needless to say there was a lot of alcohol and drinking. We never drink by choice, and we rarely even have the chance to go out simply because we are parents to a 6 month old and rarely have a babysitter in the evening. However, because we never have the opportunity to drink or go out without our son, I chose to drink last night. It really all boiled down to my poor decision. I should've been determined not to drink ahead of time but I felt like since I didn't stick to my schedule of eating and I already picked at the birthday cookie cake I had the mind frame of "why not? I already messed up today." Such a bad mind frame and so many excuses I know!

Well all I can do now, instead of beat myself up, is move forward and realize training is just about discipline and sacrifices. I've got to constantly remind myself how much I want to do well in the competition in April. Training isn't always fun or easy, but I believe my will-power will only get stronger the closer I get to The Big Day.
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Keep these in mind (anonymous quotes)

"The pain you feel today will be the strength you feel tomorrow."

"The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will."

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Officially 18wks out

I originally had a local figure event in mind to compete. However, my trainer suggested that I stick to NPC events because they are "more legit" and the judges are a little more methodical about how they judge. My trainer said that it would be a shame for me to compete in a small town contest and be judged unfairly, making my hard work a waste. So we looked up upcoming NPC Texas events and found one that is being held on April 14, 2012. Now we have an official target date and we can begin an official COUNTDOWN! Am I more nervous now?... heck yeah! lol. But I definitely have my head in the game and am more motivated to make every workout and every bite of food count.
Here are some present pics... currently at 124lbs and 16% body fat. Sometimes when I look at my pictures I wonder if my goal to compete in a figure competition is a pipe dream, since I feel that I'm too small and have so much work to do as far as developing my body. But, I just remind myself that this is my very first competition and I'm training in order to challenge myself and be an example to others. Plus, my trainer likes to remind me that conditioning is more important that size.
So here are my 18wks out pics O_O :

Besides my size, I know I really need to work on developing my upper body and learn how to really flare out my lats.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Meal before bed

6oz tilapia fillet and asparagus

Takes the guess work out

Today was my first day working out with my trainer. Had a great back and shoulders workout; we focused a lot on my rear delts.
He also gave me my diet plan. It's a little under 1500 calories breaking down into 47% protein, 31% carbs, and 22% fat. I especially like his food plan for me because it's just an overall clean diet and the protein is primarily from food. My diet before was well balanced but most of my protein came from supplements/shakes. Supplements aren't horrible BUT you just have to be careful because most have extra unknown fillers. I'd rather feed my body with natural foods instead of over doing it with the supplements. My diet plan does consist of one scoop of protein post workout; my trainer wants me to take only Isopure protein because it's a lot "cleaner" than most other protein brands.