Sunday, December 4, 2011

Fasted cardio

My trainer told me I need to start doing cardio in the morning before I eat breakfast. So this morning, regardless of the time crunch, I finally pushed myself to wake up early and get to the gym as soon as it opened (7am). I was on the stair climber for just 30 minutes, since I had to rush back to get ready for my last day of the ACSM workshop, but I loved it! I felt so energized afterwards and now I look forward to my morning cardio :)

Here are some pics from this morning. I look somewhat bigger and more defined (bc the sweat lol). I can only imagine how I'll look when I'm conditioned and prepped to go on stage a couple months from now!

It looks like my traps are starting to pop out a little. I told my trainer I wanted to focus on widening my back and rounding out my shoulders more.

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