Saturday, November 19, 2011

Full plate-- call me a glutton

Did you make assumptions with that title? Well, it was figurative. I'm actually just a little 5'5" 125lb woman who is juggling quite a bit of activities and endeavors: I am a wife, mom of a 6 month old baby, student, and I am in the process of prepping for the ACSM Certified Personal Trainer exam and a figure competition. Some might say that I am biting off more than I can chew, but I find personal satisfaction in trying at least and it's even better when I can surprise myself with success. I blog occasionally and privately but I figured it would be beneficial to me (and maybe others) if I have a public account of my journey. I will use this blog to keep me accountable to my goals and be an example of how a real woman attempts to juggle all the things in life while maintaining her sanity. I will try to periodically post pictures of the progress I make for my figure competition as well as keep you updated with my prep for the ACSM Certified Personal Trainer exam.

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